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Worstead Church

of England Primary School

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love.

SEND and Equality

Equality Objectives 2023-2024

Every year at Worstead Church of England Primary School, the headteacher and staff of the school set objectives to ensure that there is equality of opportunity for all and that the requirements of the Equality Act of 2010 are met, under the public sector equality duty. Our Equality Policy can be found under the policies section of this website. As a school we are compliant with the equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Regulations 2011.

Here are the equality objectives for 2023-24.


Objective Group


Pupil Achievement

q All pupils are assessed, monitored and tracked regularly through Pupil Asset assessment tracker and MIS.

q Under-achievement is identified and appropriate intervention is applied. 

q Pupils are able to participate in a full range of extra-curricular opportunities.

Behaviour and Safety

q Pupils respect one another.

q Pupils feel safe and valued.

q Pupils, staff and parents know that misconduct and gross misconduct will be challenged. 


q All pupils experience 100% ‘good or better’ lessons. 

  Leadership and Management

q The staff and governing body reflects the diversity of the school community and attempts to widen this at every opportunity.

q No pupils (or their families) are disadvantaged academically, socially or emotionally. All staff are mindful of the academic and social needs of all children, especially potentially vulnerable children.

q Mr Read is responsible for the collection, analysis and publication of equality data including the recording of prejudice-related incidents.

Accessibility Plan

SEND INFORMATION REPORT 2023-24 - Updated Autumn 2024


This report is accessed by following the link below - the format of the report suits a viewable and downloadable document rather than a web-page. If you have any difficulty with viewing, please contact the school and we can make an alternative version available to you. 


Our school SENDCO is Mrs Jan Cuss - who can be directly contacted via the school office on Thursdays, or via her email address

SEND Information Autumn 2024
