Physical Development
Physical Education is an important part of the curriculum at Worstead School. The Physical Education curriculum engages children in a variety of physical activities for around 2 hours per week, plus additional sporting opportunities as extra-curricular clubs which change regularly, such as morning running club, afternoon wheelie club, after-school golf or futsal.
The key aims of Physical Education in the National Curriculum are to ensure children:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
The main areas of our PE are based around six themes:
1. Dance - creating and performing formal and creative dance sequences
2. Games - a range of team games and sport activities developing skills and tactics in mini-games and applying their skills and competencies in more traditional sports and competitions
3. Gymnastics - developing the core skills of agility, balance and co-ordination; using these in creating and performing fluent sequences on the floor and apparatus
4. Swimming - all KS2 children go for swimming lessons each year, with the aim for all Year 6 pupils to be able to swim 25m
5. Athletics - running, jumping and throwing activities
6. Outdoor and adventurous activities - more advanced activities including problem solving, often covered through Forest School provision.
In the summer we have a Sports Day when parents are invited to come and watch and enjoy the events. In the morning, children compete in all sorts of different activities within their houses, concluding with traditional races and a whole school team event, where each team is a whole house. The winning house is presented with the House Cup.
Worstead Village Hall and field are often used for activities requiring more space.
We believe that PE should be taught by qualified PE specialists in order for standards in this important area to be the highest possible. We also believe that high quality PE delivery supports good physical and mental health, whether through physical exertion, resilience, fun and challenge, or representing the school in teams and squads. We regularly take part in local inter-school competition and have great success including two recent tournament victories in tag rugby and tennis.