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Worstead Church

of England Primary School

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love.


Our current Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding & Safety for Visitors

Visitors to Worstead are defined as any non-staff members, commonly: 

  • Parents or carers
  • Volunteers
  • Work experience students
  • Trainee teachers
  • Education professionals or partners
  • Peripatetic or supply teachers or support staff
  • Contractors or premises workers
  • Other individuals who are not employed directly by the school

When you visit you will need to buzz the gate and check in at the entrance lobby, where you will be given further instructions and a visitor badge - please wear this at all time when on site. 


The information you will be given is also available to download below.


COVID-19 UPDATE: We have additional covid-secure measures in place during the pandemic which will be explained to you, but in brief:

  • Do not enter the site if you have any recognised covid symptoms.
  • If you develop symptoms please leave the site and inform the office immediately.
  • Bring a face covering, and wear it at all times.
  • Sanitise your hands upon entry and exit and if you cross 'bubbles' (Juniors, Infants and Staff).
  • Do not enter the office or lean into the hatch for any reason.  
  • Keep a 2m social distance where possible from others, especially adults. 
  • Do not close ventilating windows or doors, unless they are fire doors.
  • Wipe down any surfaces you have contacted using the cleaning materials in each area.
  • Dispose of used tissues in a lidded bin, not with general waste.

Regular planned visitors (e.g. librarians, readers) may be asked to undertake twice weekly lateral flow tests and report results to us, in line with requirements for staff. 



