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Worstead Church

of England Primary School

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love.


Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility at Worstead School. Safeguarding means being watchful for harms that could be caused to children in our care, including outside of school. This policy explains in detail how we carry out our duty to safeguard children as school staff. Safeguarding training is updated for all staff annually and also in regular updates.

Our current Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding & Safety for Visitors

Visitors to Worstead are defined as any non-staff members, commonly: 

  • Parents or carers
  • Volunteers
  • Work experience students
  • Trainee teachers
  • Education professionals or partners
  • Peripatetic or supply teachers or support staff
  • Contractors or premises workers
  • Other individuals who are not employed directly by the school

When you visit you will need to buzz the gate and check in at the entrance lobby, where you will be given further instructions and a visitor badge - please wear this at all time when on site. 

