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Worstead Church

of England Primary School

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love.

Results and Inspections

Results and External Reports

Our KS2 SATs Results 2023


During the summer term of 2023, Worstead children undertook KS2 SATs testing, the results of which are below.


At Worstead our measure of success is always 'combined attainment' i.e. the actual 'grades' that children achieve. Year 6 pupils who achieve the expected standard in reading AND writing AND maths are ready to achieve fully at high school. 


Due to our small cohorts, each child can represent around 7% of the total score, rendering progress measures issued by the government unreliable. The government have themselves abolished KS1 SATs which were the baseline against which progress was measured. This is why we focus on combined attainment, and getting children 'high school ready'. Worstead's attainment in reading, writing and maths, both separately and when combined, are in-line or above national expectations and well above Norfolk averages (e.g. Norfolk combined RWM was 52% vs. Worstead's 63%). They are also the highest in the local 3-mile radius of schools.



SUBJECTWorstead 2022 (vs. national)Worstead 2023 (vs. national) 
Reading100% (+26%)69% (-4%) 
Writing82% (+13%)75% (+4%) 
Maths82% (+11%)75% (+2%) 
Combined RWM82% (+23%)63% (+3%) 


Our Y1 Phonics Check revealed that 79% of Worstead children achieved the expected standard; 4% above national. Achievement in early reading is a hugely important indicator of academic success throughout a child's ongoing school career.


Congratulations to our 'Class of 2023' and good luck in Year 7!
