2018.07.10 - Making Butter
Kestrels shook and shook and shook today to investigate whether their prediction that double cream would change to a solid quicker than single cream and milk was correct. Was it...? Of course it was! We had some great explanations about the fat particles and the use of energy to change states of matter, too. Great work, team!
2018.06.07 - Proving fraction equivalence
Could you prove that 1/2 = 3/6 or that 4/12 = 1/3 or even that 10/8 = 1 1/4? Kestrels can!
07.06.2018 - Dancing the day away!
Kestrels did really well learning the dance for our danceathon in double-quick time today. Very proud of them. A huge thank to Premier Sport for running it too.
2018.06.05 - The 4 Stamp Challenge
Can you work out how many different ways you can arrange 4 stamps on a 4 x 3 grid, making sure that they are all joined? That was the challenge Kestrels faced and they did a great job. Try it at home!
Summer Term (2) admin
Welcome to the last half term of the year! Time has flown by!
I attach below the timetable and medium term plan for this half term. Please note that Kestrels will have PE on Monday mornings and Forest School on Thursday mornings. Year 6s may come to school in their Forest School kit on Thursdays.
We will be learning lots about fossils, the Norfolk coast and climate change/coastal erosion this half term and I can't wait.
As ever, do not hesitate to speak to me with any questions or concerns.
Mr Boast
2018.05.24 - RE Family Cafe
A huge thank you to Mrs Gregory for leading our family cafe about the 10 avatars of Vishnu in the Hindu faith. Many thanks also to the many parents and carers who Kestrels and learnt lots, I'm sure.
2018.05.23 - Making DNA
Kestrels did a fantastic job making a balloon model of a DNA strand and demonstrating the double helix shape. It took a lot of effort to get the balloons prepared but it was well worth it. Well done team!
Summer Term (1) Admin
The timetable, homework menus and medium term plan for this half term are attached below. Please note that PE lessons will be on Thursday and Friday afternoons and make sure that your child has their kit with them on those days.
For the year 6s, SATs take place in the w/c 14th May. Consequently, much of our time this half term will be spent revisiting and revising prior learning to both prepare the year 6s for the SATs and to ensure that the year 5s have embedded their learning so far this year. The class have worked hard for two terms, making excellent progress. Thank you for your continued support with their learning.
Should you have any questions about the documents below, about SATs or about anything else, do not hesitate to come and see me.
Mr Boast
Using Energy at NCFC
Kestrels had a fantastic day at Carrow Road learning all about the energy used and coming up with some excellent ideas on how energy could be saved. The ideas varied from fewer floodlights through ipads replacing the big screen to an artificial pitch. The presentations were excellent too.
Well done team!
Spring Term (1) Admin
Happy New Year and welcome to the Spring term in Kestrels.
The new timetable, medium term plan and homework menu are below. Please note that PE will be on a Wednesday (swimming) and Thursday (gymnastics) this half term. The homework menu has changed slightly with the new 'expectations' box for all and the additional SATs specific box for year 6s. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to come and see me.
Mr Boast
WW2 Evacuee Experience
Kestrels had a fantastic day at the Time & Tide Museum in Great Yarmouth learning all about life on the home front. They spent time being drilled by the Home Guard, learning about safety during air raids from an ARP Warden, exploring rationing with a shop keeper (the carrot and mayonnaise sandwiches got mixed reviews!) and finding out how to 'make do and mend' from a 1940s housewife.
Many thanks to the Museum, our parent helpers and the children, who were a credit to the school.
Mr Boast
Perfect Periscopes
Kestrels have been making periscopes in science to try to explain how soldiers could spot danger coming while in trenches and to demonstrate how light travels at the same time. They did a fantastic job!
Autumn (2) Admin
Welcome to the second half of our autumn term. You will find the medium term plan and timetable for this half term below.
Please note that there are no forest school sessions on 2nd and 16th of November and that our other weekly PE session will be on Fridays. I hope the weather allows me to take the children outside so please help your child(ren) to remember their warm, outdoor PE kit on Fridays.
Many thanks
Mr Boast
Family Café
A huge thank you to all of the parents and carers who came in to share our learning in the family café this afternoon. We read the thought provoking If the World Were a Village (by David J. Smith and Shelagh Armstrong) and everyone produced some high quality pie charts based on the facts within. A big pat on the back for everyone!
Pop Art Portraits
Kestrels produced some fantastic pop art portraits of World War 2 leaders. They chose whether to use paint, felt tips, colouring pencils or highlighters and the progress so far is fantastic!
Building Bodies!
Kestrels have been learning about the human body, especially about the jobs of all of the organs and how our hearts and lungs use oxygen to keep us alive.
Welcome to Kestrels!
We hope you had a fantastic summer holiday and are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.
The timetable, medium and long terms plans and the homework menu are attached. You will that, until October half term, PE lessons will be on Wednesday (with Mrs Wootton) and on Friday. Kestrels will take their turn in forest school later in the year.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please pop in to see me or make an appointment if it needs more time.
Mr Boast and Mr Greavner