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Worstead Church

of England Primary School

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love.


Below are the most important statutory policies that schools refer to, published for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office - we are likely to have it. They are in electronic format because of our Climate Council's determination for our school to become as paper-free as possible. If you would like a paper copy of the documents below, or any other policies that we may hold, they are available free of charge from our school office on request.

School policies cover every aspect of school life and are regularly reviewed by school leaders and governors to make sure they as up-to-date as they practically can be. Usually this is annually or biannually. They are used to direct the best course of action in almost every foreseeable event, so no-one has to guess at what to do, and if something goes wrong, we can look back and check that we had done everything as well as we should. Everyone has different ideas of what is common sense, or an obvious way of getting things done; policies ensure that everyone is 'singing from the same hymn sheet'!


Some policies help guide our everyday actions, and others are rarely called upon. There are some policies that guide us in how to keep everyone in the building safe; specialised, dense, technical documents based on established national regulations. Others are much more user-friendly and designed to be an everyday reference e.g. how we teach reading. These kind of policies about teaching and learning will have been written specifically by our school staff - because our school and its community are unique. 


Our Behaviour Policy is compliant with Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. Our Complaints Policy complies with Section 29 of the Education Act 2002. Our Equality Policy complies with our public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011. 

